By: Ka’Chasity
Ka ’Chasity lives in Elaine. She and her father are descendants of the Elaine Massacre. She works at the Boys and Girls Community Development Center in Marvell. Ka ‘Chasity was receiving Ambetter and it was changed to regular Medicaid when her twins were born two years ago. She is having problems with her twins Medicaid because the twins last names are different on their Medicaid Cards. The mistake in last names is no fault of Ka ‘Chasity. One card is in Oliver and the other White. When trying to correct this, Ka ‘Chasity was told by DHS that maybe she had another baby and that child is a White. The birth certificates are correct, but the Medicaid cards are incorrect. The twins are actually Olivers. This mix-up has increased her out-of-pocket expenses. Twin Oliver is on AR Kids and Twin White is on regular Medicaid.
When Ka ‘Chasity takes the twins to the doctor the name inconsistencies cause problems and has led to the twin who is in the name of White not being able to see the doctor. The doctor says that she will have to pay for the twin who has the last name of White. Fortunately, legal aid has taken care of this problem for Ka ‘Chasity and the last name on the Medicaid Cards should be corrected.
Her twins are basically healthy and usually go to the doctor for well-baby visits. Ka ‘Chasity takes medicine for depression, anxiety and to help her sleep. Her level of anxiety can certainly be raised as a result of the incorrect last name of Twin White. Hopefully, her anxiety has gotten better as a result of having this corrected.