Arlesia Miller

The first thing that you notice about Arlesia is her beautiful smile - her smile caused the room to beam with more light.
Arlesia has been receiving Medicaid for more than twenty years. She receives SSI. Arlesia says she does not have any problems with Medicaid and is thankful for this health benefit. She did relate that last year she received a bill for $1000 due to surgery on her hand and finger. Arlesia fainted and went to the emergency room. This ER visit left her with another bill for $100. Once the bills were submitted to her Medicaid, she did not hear about either of the bills and is grateful because she could not afford to pay the balances. She lives alone and in public housing. Her SSI does not allow her many opportunities other than for the bare necessities.
Arlesia says that she manages the best as she can. She has a pull-chord in her apartment for medical emergencies. Medicaid pays for her medication and doctors’ visits. She would not be able to pay for her medications or doctor’s visit if she did not have Medicaid. Arlesia realizes that her balances would be greater if she did not have Medicaid, and she would not be treated for any of her conditions if she did not have Medicaid. She is thankful for this benefit.