Corliss began receiving disability in 2021. She receives Social Security and SSI. She qualifies for Medicaid and receives WellCare. She suffers from COPD, Congestive Heart Failure and Renal Failure. She goes to dialysis three times a week. Her medical condition has left her unable to do any type of chores. She uses a walker for mobility. Doing chores such as cleaning or laundry is impossible for her. Her sister serves as her personal care aide. Corliss needs assistance getting in and out of the shower and other personal care needs. She uses oxygen 24 hours a day. The cost for her breathing medication is almost $500.
Medicaid and Medicare pay for her dialysis, office visits and her medications. She does not have to pay anything for her medication or office visits. She is taking numerous medications which she cannot recall.
If she did not have Medicaid, Corliss says that she could not afford to pay for her medications. If she had to pay for a $500 medication, she would be left with very little money for food, utilities and other expenses. Nine hundred dollars a month certainly will not allow extras if one must pay $500 for a medication. Nine hundred dollars plus a month does not go extremely far in 2024. Corliss is thankful for Medicaid. Without Medicaid, life would certainly be more difficult and stressful.
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