Cynthia was a CNA. Her work involved lifting and bending. She became disabled in 2017. Cynthia is 62 and lives in Marvell. She is currently enrolled in a United Health Care Advantage Plan. She qualifies for QMB which pays her Medicare Premiums. Cynthia has a co-pay of $1.00 for her medications. Although she cannot recall the names of the medications, she is taking medicine for pain in her back, neck and incontinence. She receives injections for the pain in her neck and back. Her medications are expensive, and she would not be able to afford the medications without Medicaid and the low co-payments.
Cynthia had a stroke which left her with pain in her left side. She states that she is also subject to frequent falls. Her daughter serves as her personal care aide.
A great benefit of her Medicare Advantage Plan is that she can buy groceries with her U-Card each month. This is a benefit that is given to many QMB recipients and Cynthia is grateful for this. Having Medicaid allows her to focus on her health rather than focusing on the expenses of medications and doctors’ visits.
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