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Story Collective

Now is your chance to tell your own story about how you use Medicaid to keep you and your family healthy.

Joy Adrianne

Joy Adrianne

Joy Adrianne doesn’t need to subscribe to a “fitness plan”. She has a life that keeps her fit and busy! She is a housekeeper – she is always bending, stretching, moving heavy items, and staying very active. When she isn’t working, Joy Adrianne loves to take time to find peace. After work is over, she often takes walks to the park to quietly sit and take in nature. She loves nature!  She finds it healing and rejuvenating. She also likes to watch people - she finds them interesting and calming. 

When Joy Adrianne falls ill, she tries to stick it out. Sometimes she’ll wind up calling her doctor for help and they always take care of her. She has quite a few serious health problems that require regular medical attention. She loves her doctor and feels that she is getting the best of care – thanks to Medicaid.  

Joy Adrianne has had Medicaid for as long as she can remember. As soon as she was too old to receive it under her mom, she learned how to apply for it for herself. She works hard to keep her case open but it’s a struggle because she never seems to get her notices on time. She must have missed a recent notice because last week she was turned away when she went in to get her medication refilled. They told her that her Medicaid had been terminated and that she must now re-certify. This is a concern because going without her medicine leaves her at risk of hospitalization. But Joy Adrianne says it’s easy to reapply. She does it online on her phone. But re-starting her medication isn’t as easy as it sounds. It is a painful process to get back to normal. She doesn’t like that at all. 

Joy Adrianne gives the Medicaid program a 5 on a scale of 1-5. It’s easy to get in to see her doctor and she can get the medicine she needs to stay healthy – most of the time. What she doesn’t like about Medicaid is having to get referrals from her Primary Care Physician for physical therapy. It takes forever and it’s a lot of work to make sure referrals are actually sent in. Joy Adrianne has had a positive experience overfall with her Medicaid but when her son was born approximately 9 years ago, a few of her medical bills were not covered by Medicaid, and having these unpaid medical bills is impacting with her credit. She really wishes they would take a look at it and fix it. 


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