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Story Collective

Now is your chance to tell your own story about how you use Medicaid to keep you and your family healthy.



Latosha has been on Medicaid for more than ten years.  She had Ambetter, but now she has regular Medicaid.  Two months ago, she received a letter from DHS, stating that she would be terminated if she didn’t provide updated information to redetermine her eligibility for Medicaid. She acted quickly, and provided DHS with all of the requested information, not too long after, she received a letter that her benefits would be continued.  

 Latosha only takes a fluid pill and has no chronic illnesses.  The most important thing to Latosha is that her children have AR Kids.  Latosha has an eighteen-year-old who has severe asthma and needs Medicaid.  She also has twins who are on AR Kids and like so many others in this area she is taking care of her niece and nephew who are twins. She has a quadruple need for Medicaid. Both sets of twins are healthy, but children often encounter bumps, bruises, cuts, and scraps, and many common colds and illnesses making it necessary to have some type of medical coverage.  More than anything, she wants to make sure that both sets of twins are covered as well as her adult daughter.  Latosha would have no means of paying their medical expenses without AR Kids and Medicaid. For that she is grateful.  

Thank you to our generous sponsors:

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