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Now is your chance to tell your own story about how you use Medicaid to keep you and your family healthy.




The Oxford Dictionary defines the word precious as “an object, substance, resource of great value and not to be wasted or treated carelessly”. This definition is certainly befitting of this young lady, who happens to be named Precious. Here’s her story...

Often, one of the first things that comes to mind when meeting any female African American to many is the movie, “Precious”. Unlike Gabourey Sidibe’s character, the Precious in this story has completed high school, is aware of the importance of obtaining higher education, and aspires to continue her education. When introducing myself to Precious and telling her my last name was Howard, her comment was, “Like Howard University”.  To many this may not be important, but to this writer it is commendable that a young woman living in the Arkansas Delta is aware of Howard University and referenced that institution to my name.  

Precious Ford lives in Federally Subsidized Housing in Brinkley, AR - a small Arkansas Delta town with a population of 2,742 located off Interstate 40. She is 21 and is the Caretaker of her disabled 49-year-old mother who had experienced an interruption in her Medicaid benefits. This interruption prevented her mother from receiving essential mental health services, which became Precious’ problem to solve. She reached out to Legal Aid for help, and they quickly sprang into action to assist her mother get her benefits reinstated. 

Initially, I reached out to Precious to gather more information on her mother’s story, but after speaking with Precious, this writer could not shy away from telling the story of this young woman. Precious is only two years out of her teens and is struggling to take care of her mother, who wholly relies on a wheelchair to get around and requires constant care. Although Precious’ mother's benefits were successfully reinstated, this story sheds light on an even bigger story – the story of what many families face when they have only one caretaker. It is a story of the brakes being applied to your hopes, dreams and aspirations because your loved one needs your assistance to maintain their daily life to some degree of functionality. For Precious, being the sole caretaker, meant that she could not pursue her dreams of continuing her education.   

Precious graduated from Brinkley High School in 2021. She wanted to attend Philander Smith University in Little Rock and major in business. But once her mother’s mental and physical health began to deteriorate, she knew she could not leave her. Precious was the only family member able to take care of her mom; other relatives were experiencing their own health crisis, and her brother moved to Colorado. The task of caretaker became the sole responsibility of Precious.  As any loving daughter would do, Precious had her mom move in with her.  As heartbreaking as it was to give up her dreams of higher education, Precious did so without hesitation. 

Precious assists her mother with feeding, bathing, and toileting. She provides her with love, and emotional support. In addition to this, she goes downstairs to check on her father who also has health issues. Precious spends her day talking with friends, reading, and watching television.  When her mom comes home from day treatment, she assists her in taking care of her personal needs. When asked what you do for your enjoyment? she stated “nothing.” 

During our interview, I asked Precious if she had plans for continuing her education online, she informed me that she did not have a computer or Internet. I asked her if she could use her phone data to access the Internet, and she stated that there had been some problems with her service provider, and she could only use the phone to play games or connect to Wi-Fi when available.  She uses her mom’s phone and when mom is away during the day, she has no access to a phone until her mom returns from treatment after 3PM. 

The Arkansas Delta does not offer a lot of opportunities to its’ youth and young adults and oftentimes the only way to further your education is to leave. Leaving was not a choice for Precious, her only option was to “take care of my Big Baby,” a reference to her mother. 

Interviewing Precious was eye-opening, and all I could think of was there must be a way for this young lady to continue her dreams of gaining an education while taking care of her mom. I thought, what if she had access to a computer, that way she could at least begin taking online classes? 

I reached out to a gentleman named Mr. John Dalencourt who is the owner of Global Service Technology and a friend. John Dalencourt is a New Yorker who has spent the last twenty plus years working in the Arkansas Delta and other areas of the state providing technology assistance. Without hesitation, John said that he would be willing to provide Precious with a refurbished computer so that she could achieve her goals with continuing her education. John made good on this promise. On April 29, 2024, Precious was presented with a desktop computer by Mr. Dalencourt. I had the opportunity to witness the smile on Precious’ face as John was setting up the computer. This computer gave Precious hope, and for the first time ever, she believed that her dreams could come true. (See photos below). 

Since I concluded my interview with Precious, she informed me that she has decided she wants to take online culinary classes. Precious states that she is already a good cook and so she wants to learn more about culinary arts. When asked why she changed from majoring business, she said she enjoys cooking and thinks she is enthusiastic about it. 

One might ask what this story has to do with the Medicaid Lived Experience? To that I say, Medicaid recipients have many components in their lives - each of which must function for them to maintain a normal life. Issues with family, friends, DHS, social services, and access to healthcare can significantly disrupt one's daily life. Additionally, there are times where family members feel like they are a burden to their loved ones, which can often lead to depression and additional medical problems.  

Providing Precious with a means of furthering her education brought joy to her mom, because now her mother’s illness is no longer an obstacle to her achieving her goals of furthering her education.   

The definition of Oxfords Dictionary Precious was given in the first paragraph of this story. Precious Ford’s value should be handled with care. She is indeed precious to her mother and to the continued well-being of her mother. Precious is the wind beneath her mother’s wings. Take away Precious and the flight will end. 

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