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Story Collective

Now is your chance to tell your own story about how you use Medicaid to keep you and your family healthy.



Tobbie has Medicaid in the form of Blue Cross Blue Shield. Tobbie has received disability for two and a half years.  She had a stroke last year and is now receiving physical therapy. She continues to have some weakness on her left side but admits that she is doing better. 

She currently takes nine different medications. These medications include blood thinners and medications for her heart. She was in the hospital for two months after Cardiac Catheterization. Her blood thinners are extremely expensive, and she could not afford these medications if she had to pay for them. She sees two specialists, a cardiologist, and a neurologist twice a month. 

Tobbie does not have an aide but tries to do for herself as much as she can. She only drives when necessary, and this is to go to the doctor in Augusta where she lives. She can only use her right arm and does as little as possible for activities that require both hands. Tobbie’s spouse assists her with other activities.  

Tobbie is glad that she has Medicaid. She would not be able to pay for any of her medications or doctor’s visits if she did not have Medicaid.  

Thank you to our generous sponsors:

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