
Ardella is 79 years old. She lives with her daughter, but she does not let her age and pain stop her from tending to her yard. Despite her body aches and pain, she believes that as long as God allows, she intends to make the best of her life.
About seven years ago, Ardella suffered a stroke; as a result, she developed “drop foot”, a deformity in one’s feet which cause them to turn and inwards. Ardella didn’t let this slow her down, she was determined to get her feet straightened and today, she is proud that although she requires assistance from time to time, she has learned how to walk again. Having arthritis and hypertension, Ardella admits that she sometimes gets dizzy, and the pain can sneak up on her, even still, she tries to make the best of every day.
Ardella started receiving Medicaid approximately seven years after the passage of 1Title XIX of The Social Security Act which granted Medicaid to all states for low-income eligible beneficiaries. She is a veteran of Medicaid, and so she knows a lot about how the program works.
Ardella has an aide who comes in 2-3 times a week to assist her with Activities of Daily Living (“ADLs”). She appreciates having an aide. At times her arthritis causes stiffness and pain, and her aide helps with activities that she is unable to perform during these bouts of arthritis flaring up.
Ardella remains thankful for having Medicaid and for being alive to tell her story. She realizes that it could be worse, so she chooses to live each day as it comes and giving thanks to God for allowing her to see each day.
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